Bacillus megaterium grows in the rhizosphere and secrete organic acids, which dissolve unavailable phosphate into a soluble form and make it available to the plants. This PSB strain enables the plants to endure drought.
Recommended on all the crops specially, excellent product for Phosphorus loving Crops like Soybean. It also improves oil percentage in oilseed crops.
Time of Application
In soybean crop, application of Tropical Nano Phos at 30 DAS, improves pod filling. Application of Tag Nano Phos during active growth phase improves root growth and increase rate of photosynthesis.
Liquid formulation: Foliar spray @ 3 – 4 ml / Lt.
Granular formulation: 20 – 25 Kg / acre, depending on crops.
Application Method
Tag Nano Phos application during active growth phase improves root growth and increase rate of photosynthesis.
Refer leaflet.
Product Type
Media Contact
Chandrika Rodrigues,
General Manager -
Branding & Communications